About Us

Imboden, Arkansas, United States

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Thinking Pink! ~and making cards

Hello friends, and Happy Sunday!  I have been so busy these past couple of weeks, but I'm glad I've had a free weekend.  I've had the chance to finish up some of the things I've been meaning to do, including writing this post!

I'm wondering if our last post has inspired you to "THINK PINK"?  I know I am.  I am surrounded by pink!  I just received my entry packet for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.  I will be racing in Little Rock next weekend in honor of my grandmother, who has been cancer free for several years now.  She is truly the strongest woman I know, and the person I most admire.  She is also the one who taught me most of my crafting knowledge, and inspired me to learn more.  I love you, granny!

So, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I have decided to do a bit of paper-crafting and card making.  I think the finished project turned out pretty well!  (We also welcome feedback from all of you out there...)  I am happy to share my project with you, but keep in mind that I am new to this whole "tutorial writing" idea.  Here we go...

Wouldn't this be a great card to send to a female friend just to say "hello... I am thinking about you"? 

Here is a list of the supplies I used:
     ~white 8"x10" cardstock
     ~pink cardstock  (just a small piece will work)
     ~any pink-patterned scrapbook page, at least 4.5x6"
     ~Acid-free glue stick (I used Elmer's Craft Bond Glue Stick)
     ~Acid Free pen (I used a Zig Millennium pen in silver)

And the tools:
     ~Paper trimmer or sharp scissors (I used Fiskars SureCut Paper Trimmer)
     ~Edger scissors (I used Fiskars Scallop Edger Scissors)
     ~utility knife for cutting small shapes (I used an X-acto knife.  Note:  Make sure your blade is SHARP!  I had to stop halfway through and change mine.)

Step 1:  Gather your paper supplies.  Using sharp scissors or paper cutter, trim your piece of white cardstock to 6"x9".  Save scraps for later use.  Fold card in half lengthwise to form card.  (Note:  This can be adjusted to fit whatever size envelope you have on hand.)

Step 2:  Using edger scissors, cut a 4"x5.5" piece from the patterned paper, adjusting as necessary for pattern.  Using scissors or paper trimmer, cut a 2.5"x4" box from the middle.  Again, adjust as necessary to match pattern.  Save scraps for later use.  Center the patterned shape over the front of your card and glue, patterned side facing out.

Step 3:  Using utility knife, cut 1" shapes from pink cardstock in peace sign, heart, and ribbon patterns. (I free-handed these shapes, but you may want to find these shapes to trace)  Using scraps of patterned paper, cut circle, heart, and ribbon shapes about 1/8" larger than your pink shapes. 

Step 4:  Glue the back of the pink shapes and center them on the patterned shapes.  Glue these to the inside of the frame on your card, arranging to fit. 

Step 5:  Using a paper trimmer or sharp scissors, cut a strip of the remaining white cardstock 3 1/2" wide x 1/2" long.  Using edger scissors, cut into 1 1/2" pieces, centering so all ends match.  Using an acid-free pen, write the words "peace", "love", and "cure", one on each strip of paper (or use any other words you choose).  Arrange on bottom of card frame and glue.  Cut another piece of the white cardstock into a 4 1/2" x 3/4" strip.  Using edger scissors, cut ends evenly.  Write a small inspirational quote on this strip. I used "Alone we can do so little, Together we can do so much".  Glue back and center on top of card frame.
And you're done!!!  Now... get busy THINKING PINK and let us know what you come up with!!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Just a little Give-away

So Dear Friends.....have you been thinking PINK? We have. You want to see??? Really...you Do? Okay we shall share with you.

This is a knitted version and will keep one lucky person warmer this winter.

Now we would like to share a little giveaway with you all and we hope you will join us and enter. Here are the Rules:

1.  To be eligible you must be a Follower of this blog.
2.  You must send an email HERE with your mailing address, email, and blog address (if you have one).
3. You need to leave us a comment here so we know you have signed up.
4. We need to hear from you by October 24, 2011 to be eligible.

And now would you like to see what we are giving away? Okay we let you have a looksy:

So come and join us for THINK PINK month and share in the fun!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Think Pink

Our first real Post...wooowww. This is to remind everybody to "Think Pink" for Breast Cancer awareness this month. Take a moment and think about what it means to all of us and maybe even make a small donation to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Every penny counts. Our local group raised close to $2000 in one day and I must say that is quite an accomplishment around this small town.

Over the coming month we will feature a few pink crafts. So keep coming back to check from time to time and maybe even leave a comment or two. For now.....enjoy the "pink".

Friday, September 16, 2011

Come and get to know Us!

Hello! So glad you've come to join our page! Now grab a cup of coffee and sit a 
spell while you learn a bit more about us... (Don't worry, we'll wait!)

We are Angel and Erika, "Two Crafty Girlz", who have come together from opposite sides of the world (both literally and craft-wise) to join our creative ideas in a very unlikely place: Arkansas!

Angel is a wee Irish lass who hails from Montana, where the sky is big and cowboys roam the range. Her craft style is just as much "recycle and reuse" as it is actual crafting. Growing up on the farm in the mountains presented plenty of opportunity to make use of all-natural products. And since things were pretty scarce out there on the range, she learned at an early age that if you want/need it, you better find something you've got around you to make it with. It makes for a pretty random, yet extremely interesting, craft supply cupboard! She admits, her projects tend to run a bit on the side of vanity. She likes things that make her feel pretty, such as soaps and bath products, jewelry, and sparkly things in general.

Erika, on the other hand, is a much more organized crafter (thank goodness!) and is the glue that holds this creative partnership together. Erika was born and raised in Germany. She was lucky enough to travel the world before making her home in this great melting pot we call America, and she has brought us a world of ideas. Erika's supply cupboard consists of an obscenely large amount of knitting/crocheting supplies, and a huge variety of just about anything else a crafter might need. Trust me.. she can do it all! Erika has been in the crafting world for quite some time, even writing her own blog to teach us about the wonders of crafting in this crazy world. Check it out sometime! (http://erikascraftscorner.blogspot.com/)

So, what brought us together? Our love of great coffee and even greater conversation (spiced with bits of witty sarcasm) of course! But what keeps us together is our love for one of the finer things in life... creativity. We hope you'll join us on our daily mis-adventures through life, love, and crafting.

Our Mission:

To bring creativity and goodness to the world, one project at a time and to have fun doing it!